Serenity is a great distraction for an evening. Nothing phenomenal. Harmless gunfights with millions of rounds zipping all over, hand-to-hand combat in the Captain Kirk mode (Kirk Fu as some would christian it...), an unkillable murderous assassin, hovercraft chase, space battle, mysterious psychic child killer.
Yes, this is just how a TV movie is and this is Serenity. A film made from the ashes of the failed TV series Firefly. A small budget with make-shift and adequate 3D renders of spaceships, planets, settings.
It's a great distraction but it is not classic. An entertaining space opera. Recommended if you want something mindless but fun.
I rented it on a luke warm recommendation from my brother. I hadn't seen any of the TV series.
It was OK. I liked some of the unique language they used. I would love to have my engine over hauled by the ships engineer. She was a hottie. But that is one thing the film didn't lack, hot chicks.
Didn't understand how a race of mutated speed zombies, hardly capable of speech, could operate a fleet of starships.
It’s worth a look.
Lukewarm? It came very highly recommended from some quarters, namely, the people at the Consimworld forum http://talk.consimworld.com
Yes, you're right, there were many many babes in Serenity which surprised me. A visual feast to say the least! That's a plus point man!
Shrewd point. I also wondered how a bunch of crazed, violent unstable personalities can maintain a space battle fleet, let alone subsistence... That was extremely far-fetched. A space-faring civilisation would need quite a bit of engineering, higher mathematics, astrophysics and what have you....
Slight quibble,
The stuff that makes Reavers Reavers doesn't exactly make them stupid. It makes them incredibly aggressive, but it don't make them stoopid.
And since Reavers are basically "converted" human beings, it makes perfect sense to me why they would be able to operate ships.
Then again, I'm a Firefly fanboy.
Fanboy alert! Fanboy alert!
I wish someone would pick up the series.
Did I mention the ships engineer was a hottie?
Jewel Staite is a hottie. So's Morena Baccarin and Summer Glau, though admitting to that last one makes me feel like a bit of a perv.
The last I checked though, Fox still owns the TV rights and Joss Whedon is pretty much done with Fox. It's still in this odd legal Mexican standoff. Fox probably will never release the TV rights because doing so will essentially admit that Fox screwed the pooch on Firely, so they are quite happy to sit on this.
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