12 September 2006

Dreams of Loss

I had a dream of being stranded at a desolate beach awashed with flotsam in a moonlit night. I was scrambling with a need born of desperation to find something amidst the thundering waves from the angry sea. I felt a strong sense of loss tugging at me, a feel of unease, a knowledge that somewhere, somehow, I had lost something of worth. I was then at an anonymous foyer with a high ceiling which served as a central space to the offices of a enigmatic institute of learning where I learned that two of my friends* had died, meanwhile, another friend remained lost. She, I learned, had stopped by this office earlier. I woke up shortly after with a vague feeling of a sense of loss.

*I recall one while I don't recall the other. I shan't be saying who they are as ethnic Chinese people often have a highly sensitive superstitious dread of these things. For the three friends, I almost don't see them anyhow. Not for a few years.

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