01 June 2010

You proposed a solution costing thousands of dollars and when I ask that you mail a brochure costing less than a dollar...

Some lady from Synergistic or Synergidix Technologies or whatever called a week or two ago.

Ms Idiot: Hello, I am calling from Synergisetix Technologies and I have several IT solutions that can help your business.

Me: Ahh.

Ms Idiot: Do you have any deficiencies in your system that we can remedy?

Me: We don't have a requirement at this point.

Ms Idiot: Can I have your email so that I can send you some information?

Me: No. My junk filters will remove it anyway. Why don't you send me a brochure via normal mail?

Ms Idiot: Erm, thank you.

Me: Wait! You proposed a solution costing thousands of dollars and when I ask that you mail a brochure costing less than a dollar, you cannot do that?

Ms Idiot: Err, eer, thank you..

Me: Why is this so?

Ms Idiot: Errr eerr...

I hung up on Ms Idiot at this point. I had also asked the same question a few months ago when another IT solution provider called. Heh.

1 comment:

Wilfrid said...

Wow. You must be a rich man. How come so many people call you for business?!