John Foxx & Louis Gordon 'Live from a Room as Big as a City'
Woo hoo! Amazon delivers. For once.
The limited edition live album 'Live from a Room as Big as a City' has shipped! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I must get my friends who are into electronic music to listen to the legendary John Foxx.
1. Intro
2. Sex Video
3. Making Movies
4. Metal Beat
5. No-One Driving
6. Plaza
7. Underpass
8. Touch & Go
9. He's A Liquid
10. Broken Furniture
11. Ultraviolet/Infrared
12. Nightlife
13. My Sex
Ahhh! A gaggle of Ahbengemopeks are waddling their way here!
Grrr.... Ahlianemobrat, quiet!
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