Age of Empires 3: Observations* from online play
From the few games I have played, here are my observations:
1. Preserve a field army at all times. They are an instrument of decision. The field army should be used when possible unless there is a standoff or a balance of power. Of course, the size, relative to the enemy should be considered.2. Maintain a viable and competitive economy. The players that I have encountered were not very bothered with their economies and were building at a fairly relaxed rate. Some have even outpaced me in reaching the Colonial Age first. (4:00+) but they managed it unrealistically. I only managed it after 6 minutes.
3. Know your enemy's ability. Know what their civilisation can do. The weapons systems available to them.
4. Instead of reading Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' with its ambigious folksy sayings, I would advise that one look up Archer Jones 'The Art of War in the Western World'. The early parts of the book are instructive and has a bearing. The different types of weapons systems and their relativity are discussed in great detail.
5. Tactical-level battles are important. Don't ignore them like I do in those games I lose unless you have a great strategic edge.
6. Economy and the speed of development is all-important. This is the most important aspect of Age of Empires 3. Strategy and economy. Not reflexes. Not speed of reaction.
There is a player who goes by the moniker of El Capitan. He has a blog that discusses advanced strategies that are interesting to say that least. Bruce Shelley, the designer of the Age of Empires 3 also maintains a blog.
*There are too few games for 'lessons'.
**Images taken from
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