Age of Empires III
I am currently playing 'Age of Empires III'. It's a compelling little real-time strategy game, much simpler and faster playing than its predecessors, 'Age of Empires', 'Age of Empires II: Age of Kings', 'Age of Mythology', and the 'Rise of Nations'. The new home cities and cards concepts are interesting but hardly groundbreaking. Still, it is an enjoyable affair.
I have previously been playing 'Battlefield 2' and 'Doom 3'. The latter is a vast disappointment.
Well, if you are not into RTS, I really wouldn't advise it.
I like it quite a lot but I find it somewhat simplistic. I had wanted greater complexity. Great graphics though.
Have you taken a look at Battlefied 2 Special Forces yet? If you have, how is it?
havent gotten it yet but i'll be sure to give u a headsup on whether its good! lol
I am tempted to get the JB version to try out if you know what I mean. Heheh.
I want play online! JB versions would not do.
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