09 December 2005

Age of Empires III: Build Sequences

My experiences are mostly against a 'Hard' computer opponent in skirmish mode. I have managed a few wins against an 'Expert' computer opponent on the Carribean and Amazonia maps but that don't count because the computer opponent hasn't got an ability to formulate a strategy and set priorities for naval warfare. My sister on the other hand has managed to beat the computer on Expert level on land using the Portuguese. She's far better than me.

Anyhow, first things first. I generally build up to 20 villagers before going to Colonial Age. Time (5:30-6:30) However, from what I have read, this would be too slow in a game against human opponents online, especially against an opponent who rushes. The norm would be about 15 villagers. Time (4:15-4:30). I would need to improve and refine my game and build sequence.

This is my build sequence. It is a so-called 'booming' build. Good against the computer opponent at the Hard setting. One can beat the computer in 24-25 minutes easily. It will not work against a human opponent.

My Build Sequence (Generic. Excludes Dutch)
1. Set 2 villagers to Wood. Set 1 villager to Gold. Set the remainder to Food. Build to 20. Go for Colonial.
2. For cards, get the 2-Villager and 3-Villager card if you can. The 300-wood card comes after.
3. Meanwhile, the explorer must get two treasures. After that the explorer must explore the surrounding areas. Then, go harass the enemy villagers.
4. During the Colonial Age, withdraw the explorer, get the Tower card and the 2-Tower card for defence. Site the three towers close. Concentrated fire. Site them near the Town Centre. Build 5 musketeers. Group the explorer with them. Harass the enemy. This should be at the 8 minute mark.
5. Continue churning Villagers at all times. Wood - 5 or more Villagers. Gold - Villagers. Food - Rest of the Villagers. Go for hunting. The computer opponent will not know how to harass hunters.
6. Continue with building more musketeers. Guard gold deposits with 2 musketeers. Guard herds of animals. Leave 2-3 to defend your town centre. Bring down the opponent's explorer when they get too close to your town centre and towers. This should be easily accomplished.
7. Fortress Age. Okay, build an artillery foundry near their base. And a barracks too. If possible, build your fortress.
8. Now move more troops and at least 2 artillery pieces near their town. Continue demolishing their building.
9. Intercept their fortress wagon if possible. Destroy it.
10. By now, their economy should be severely retarded. Their forces should be badly reduced. Close in. Destroy towers. Pikeman are great against buildings. Leave your artillery against their counter attack forces. Protect your artillery too. The Hard computer opponent should surrender at this point. Time from start to finish: 24:30 or 25:00.

The build sequence against a human opponent. This is what I have gathered online.

Build Sequence (Generic. Excludes Dutch)

1. Set all Villagers to collecting Food. Build up to 15 Villagers.
2. Go for Colonial Age. Set all villager to Wood.
3. Build Market. Build Barracks. For the first two cards, get villagers. For the next two get troops to defend against a rush.
4. Colonial Age. (4+ minutes) Now, the game can go anywhere depending on the strategy. Boom** or Rush*.

I have not tried this sequence but I will. I want to see how I can refine my build sequence. I will subsequently go online.

I have also not tried the mercenary rush* technique. Apparently, people have been using that when playing as the Germans.

I played against relatively few human opponents in RTS games. I have played against Wei Yi, Brian, Willie but they weren't the exactly very familiar with strategies, tactics, prioritisation and the game system. And we didn't play normal games, we usually bashed Brian. The last time, I went online with Age of Mythology, I guessed I met an experienced opponent who built swiftly, then timed his attack and rushed* me. Sadly for him, I did have a substantial force waiting. And his force was wiped out. He was spent. He simply gave up and disconnected! A cheap one-shot all-out strategy. I guessed it must have worked against many unwary opponents.

*Rush. Lingo for attacking very early in the game.
** Boom. Lingo for building a powerful economy.
Note: Images taken from http://www.ageofempires3.com

"Leave your shiny cars at home
Don't you think it's time we learned to walk
And learned to talk
Everybody meet to give praise to the sky and the sea"
'In Shakespeare's Garden' Cause and Effect

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