14 December 2005

Japanese Infantry of World War II

Ink sketch of Japanese infantry of World War II. This is an example of how a small piece can be overworked. Overdone. Adding more shades, detail, textures. Bad idea. I will do a bigger piece with revised poses one day. This way, the details won't be lost.

"Her dreams to give
Her heart away
Like an orphan on a wave"
'Joan of Arc' Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark


steve said...

Yeah, it's hard to know when to stop sometime.Still, this is great. I would have made like I meant to darken everything, which is fine in its own right I think.

steve said...

Oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to invite you to join the Art Blog Challenge. I feel like one of the few people who participate anymore (and it's easy). Check it out and submit some art when you get a chance!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Steve, I have better pieces that is done in this style which is closer to (I like to think) photorealistic. Thanks for your feedback. I did have a few references. The original line sketch looked alright. As the textures and shades went in, it became worse. The light wasn't well-placed in that the stances and poses became rather stiff. Yeah, I do post some of my 'mistakes' up here. Heheh.

Thanks. I need to take a look at the Art Blog Challenge. May I know how I can join it?

I just fixed up this office machine. The power supply blew. I just bought a new one and fixed it up. Thus... catching up with replies, work mail, etc.

Unknown said...

This's great drawing!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Thank you Alina! I am planning to put up a series of images.

I have been too lazy to scan.