20 December 2010


Kuoby says (10:26 AM)
you there freak?

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:27 AM)
Can I draw you some day?
I won't make your mummified corpse face any uglier. I will beautify it a bit for your sake.

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:33 AM)
Kuoby, are you weeping?
I told you that I would beautify you.
Make you prettier than your idol, Elmer Fudd.

Kuoby says (10:33 AM)

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:33 AM)
From the toilet?

Kuoby says (10:33 AM)
drawing mummies and all
are you a mummy's boy

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:33 AM)
Did you take your medication?

Kuoby says (10:34 AM)
i'd love to talk
but i'm busy with life etc.

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:34 AM)
You're dead, in case you didn't realise.
In hell.
It's like the Sixth Sense story.
Except for you, it's the No Sense story
where you didn't sense that you are dead.

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:35 AM)
As a door nail, and dumb as a door knob

Kuoby says (10:35 AM)
uh huh
si si

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:36 AM)
I bet you are secretly flattered that I should even think of drawing you.
You must be punching the air, yelling 'YEAH!' right now.

Kuoby says (10:36 AM)
me, flattered?

Kuoby says (10:37 AM)
i've got other more important things to think about
so SHOvE that pencil up your bum, MATE

Shyue Chou Chuang says (10:37 AM)
Important things? Like murdering the poor possums on your rooftop!
You murderer!
And peddling death to kids via fast food at McDonald's. It's a badge of shame and not pride.

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