25 March 2020

Russian disinformation campagn

It is quite interesting to observe that some Russian trolls and some American right-wingers have the same view and direction with regards to Covid-19. I am not too sure what to make of it at this point.

Yes, the Russians would spread disinformation especially conspiracies to disrupt Western societies. It seems that they accomplish this by taking what are facts, re-cast them in a certain light and republish them. That way, it would appear convincing as those facts aren't fabricated. It is information warfare. And they are getting better at it. They have their useful idiots in the west assisting as well.

I went through a site earlier. It suggests that Covid-19 is simply mass panic and that there is nothing to it. And it used the names of western luminaries in disease research. I checked one of the cited sources and the fellow did say those things. I checked the context as well. There are some caveats which I will not detail.

(Before you ask, I will state again that not a left-winger.)

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