'Now, he could see the Castle above him, clearly defined in the glittering air, its outline made more definite by the moulding of snow covering it in a thin layer.'

'It was neither an old stronghold nor a new mansion, but a rambling pile consisting of innumerable small buildings closely packed together and of one or two storeys; if K. had not known that it was a castle, he might have taken it for a little town. There was only one tower as far as he could see, whether it belonged to a dwelling-house or a church, he could not determine. Swarms of crows were circling around it.'
Exerpt from Franz Kafka's 'The Castle'
i seem to remember having seen, oh, many years ago, a movie made after Kafka's The Castle.. i hated it, it still is in my nightmares, but this piece of yours is lovely... thank you..
I had another piece based on impressions as I read 'The Castle' many years ago. A cheerless volume.
For this particular piece, I pulled out the book and drew it based on the translations. The crows circling the towers. The collection of buildings and the castle resembling a small village.
Thanks for your comments, vfm4. It's greatly appreciated.
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