I have been sketching landscapes for a long time. I guess I have been influenced by the wondrous intricate line drawings found in old Fighting Fantasy books from Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. These old Puffin adventure books had well-rendered and eccentric drawings, conveying an atmospheric world, the world of Titan. The forests were mysterious and they were great black and white line art. They were vastly superior to those horrid black and white ones in the first and second edition of Advanced Dungeon and Dragaons rulebooks.
I have been influenced by the many walks I took in the Yorkshire Dales, the Pennines, and a few other places. At times, I would venture alone with a map and a sketchbook. At other times, I would go with my friend, Sylvain. The serenity and beauty of the wilderness remained with me long after. I miss those days.
This piece and the previous piece are milestones for me in that they were very early images, done completely electronically on a Wacom pad. They require a new set of skills, different from drawing on paper.
"There's this thing called being so open-minded your brains drop out." Richard Dawkins
Hey mate! You have always impressed me with your landscapes. You should post more of your artwork.
Thanks Willie for your kind words. Heheh.
That's a nice metaphor SC. - RAK
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