07 August 2007


A new superhero with Robert Downey Jr. playing Ironman is due out in 2008! WOO! This should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

hhhmmm ... have the Hollywood film makers ran out of idea? I mean one super hero film after the other?

Are they so lazy to create new stuff? I mean playing safe to stick to the comic scripts just because technologies allow them to?

They will just kill the comic if not done properly.

hhmmm ...


Ken Lee said...

Normally, I'd agree. But I saw the trailer for it, and it's shaping up to look very good.

And they've got a good director, and Robert Downey Jr fits the role to a T.

All in all, it's something to keep an eye on.

Of course, I do have an Ironman bias. One of my preferred superheroes, aside from Batman.

Anonymous said...

I never like Batman nor Spiderman and definitely not Superman.

My preference is more for Flash the runner or Silver Surfer and I have not seen the latest Fantastic Four with Silver Surfer yet ...
