03 November 2008

Faulty inflight entertainment systems

Recently, I took a Boeing B-777 flight to Barcelona and back. My inflight entertainment screen was not working. I had watched a movie before it crashed. A few attempted reboots by the air-stewardess later, all that remained was a white screen, the inflight entertainment system simply would not work. Fine. I had a few books with me anyhow.

On the return trip, the three screens on the row in front and those on my row did not work despite repeated reboots. During the one hour transit at Milan, two Panasonic Avionics Corporation engineers came onboard. They tinkered with the system, replacing six modules in metal casings under the seats. Then, they effected a reboot. Well, the Linux-based systems stubbornly remain non-fuctional. I overheard the engineers saying that the individual systems could not locate an IP address.

Five frustrated passengers demanded a change of seats and the senior steward had to scramble and secure seats with working systems for them. As for me, I was merrily reading away. More space for me. Yeah! Heheh.

Boeing and Panasonic Avionics Corporation do need to get their act together.


Anonymous said...

We must see the pics of Barcelona!
I always bring my iPod, plus I have DVD in my laptop

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Have you been there, Tim?