19 November 2007

Mannin University

Mannin University was supposedly in Dublin, Ireland according to reports. I did a check on Google with a simple search. The recent furore over credentials as reported in the Straits Times and Asia One had sent many in search of that higher institute of education on search engines.

Google did yield a result of a person from the Maldives who had an honorary doctorate from Mannin in Dublin. Heh. I wouldn't purchase insurance from him. Another search yielded something from Bulgaria, a Thai fitness thing. I tried a few permutations.

From the search results, there were apparently people with Sports Science, Marine Biology and Engineering Ph.D. from Mannin University. Oh yes, there was also one with a Ph. D. in Musical Arts in Bassoon Performance. A nice variety.

I did a Yahoo search too. A Wikipedia search yielded nothing too. Nada. Zilch.

Later, I checked 'Mannin' on Google. More promising but nothing that pertained to an educational establishment. I would be doing a few more searches on using education-based keywords later. Would that be yielding something?


I also did a search on http://www.google.ie/ , the Irish Google. Again, it was fruitless. Mysterious.

Addendum II

Another search in the Google directory for education in Dublin, Ireland returned a list of schools, universities and institutes. No mention of the mysterious Mannin University. I did a few more searches with 'Ireland University', 'Dublin Ireland University' and a few more permutations. They were all fruitless.

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