17 July 2007

Emergence of Islamic Creationists

It is only a matter of time before the Islamic fundamentalists become vocal on evolution. An article in the New York Times illustrates an example of the logic these creationists employ:

“If he sees a picture of an old fossil crab or something, he says, ‘See, it looks just like a regular crab, there’s no evolution,’ ” Dr. Padian said. “Extinction does not seem to bother him. He does not really have any sense of what we know about how things change through time.”

The emergence of these Islamic creationists came in a strange way when prominent biologists and scientists across the USA received a massive, glossy, hugely-expensive hardcover book on Islamic creationism sent by a Mr. Yahya. Kenneth R. Miller, a biologist at Brown University, notes:

"That’s troubling, he said, because Mr. Yahya’s ideas “cast evolution as part of the corrupting influence of the West on Islamic culture, and that promotes a profound anti-science attitude that is certainly not going to help the Islamic world catch up to the West.”

This does not bode well.

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