11 July 2007

Whining and Complaining

A funny conversation on DuneMUD:

[20:27] Mreh : Get the picture?
[20:28] Mreh : It doesn't matter -what- I try to do, fun or otherwise.
Someone complains.
[20:28] Dav grovels before Mreh.
[20:28] Mreh : And now, I'm minimizing this window and ignoring it for a few
[20:28] Saffron : well, it is a non-zero sum game... i have -1 and everyone
who thinks it's funny that i died so much has a +!
[20:30] Dav : need people my size to party with.
[20:38] Saffron : now i can't even fight the same things i was fighting
before... awesome
[20:51] Mreh : Holy fucking crap! Why do you not stop complaining?
[20:51] Mreh : Tell me, Saffron, in as few words as possible. What the hell
do you want?
[20:52] Mreh : What can I give you, that is completely risk free, that will
reward you to the point where you no longer feel you have lost something on this day?
[20:52] Saffron : i'm wimpying from lv5 gp tower mobs now, i was fighting
level 7s earlier today.... so something is messed up
[20:52] Mreh : Because, really? "I can fight these guys forever, without
incident or cause for alarm or concern." is such a great challenge that you can sit there and fight all day, accumulating guild experience.
[20:54] Saffron : and you seem to be taking my venting complaints as personal
affronts, which they were never intended to be
[20:56] Mreh : If you want to vent, open chat is not really the place for it.
[20:56] Mreh : And I'm not taking anything as a personal affront.
[20:56] Mreh : I see you, doing very little more than complaining, non-stop.
[20:57] Mreh : Complaining about a random bane, which comes up -very- rarely,
having a negative effect on your character, on this day, while experience values are more than doubled.
[20:58] Mreh : I then LOGGED MY CHARACTER IN, partied with you, earned you
experience while you sat idle for a lot of the time, and then logged out.
[20:58] Saffron : ok, well I didn't know it was a biorythm
[20:58] Saffron : i'm in the dark in most respects, I MUD because it relaxes
me, but I ate more than my share of shitpie today
[20:59] Mreh : If you really -really- want to see, taste and consume shit pie,
just ask. I'll arrange it.
[20:59] Saffron : I kept killing while we were partying
[20:59] Mreh : In the words of some very famous lyricists, "You ain't seen
nothin' yet."
[20:59] Saffron : and i didn't bot into the next rooms when done
[20:59] Mreh : I do hope you're not accusing me of botting.
[20:59] Saffron : why are you threatening me?
[21:00] Saffron : why does me having a bad day cause you to have a bad day and
want to make mine worse?
[21:00] Mreh : I was having a really great day.
[21:04] Saffron : no, i wasn't
[21:04] Saffron : i was responding to you saying i was idling
[21:08] Mreh : I have no problem at all with you idling.
[21:10] Skruideli idles idly into idleness.

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