I watched this at Bishan last night. Great fun! Downey was convincing. The Iron Man suit was quite a sight to behold. The end game was somewhat reminiscent of Robocop 2 for one reason. Heh.
This is probably one of the best superhero films ever made. That is not saying much though.
Hehehe ... dare I say, I am 110% with you on this :)
Ps. trying to recall what Robocop 2 was like ...
Yeah, it was great fun! I mean, I don't understand why people nitpick about weak story lines of such movies. These kind of movies are purely for entertainment's sake -- the leave your brains at home kind -- of course something's gotta give.
I loved it. My only criticism is the lack of an arch supervillian ala the Mandarin, Crimson dynamo or Titanium man. Downey was totally believable as Tony Stark. One badass movie!
Wilfrid, well, there was a face-off between Robocop and a large mechanical monstrosity. Likewise, the final confrontation here was similar in that aspect.
Yep yep, Hobo, it was just great fun. Pure escapism. Like you were saying, why nitpick when a suspension of disbelief would be expected here? It's a superhero movie!
Tim, the yellow peril or even an oriental villain in the vein of Fu Manchu may not date too well. As with the other villains, I would have to look them up. heheh.
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