A clever psychological drama with symbols throughout. The books. The paths taken. The choices.
Loners may find a lot to identify with. Not the paranoia but the existence.
Strangely, as I observed, most of Shanghai did not appear to be heated except for the hotels and high-end department stores. Most of the shops in buildings were open to the elements. Thus, they were all bitterly cold inside. My hands and feet were numb. I saw that some of the Shanghainese would wear fluffy, shapeless and colourful jackets while others wore wool-lined leather coats.
It was an unexpected development to find one of the fastest developing cities in the world in this state of a distribution of thermal comforts. What on earth?
This has left me puzzled for a week or two until I read an article in the 15th March issue of the Wall Street Journal about the heating policy in China. I was astounded.
This is unbelievable but true. Apparently, there is a line drawn north of Nanjing and Shanghai that cuts China in half. This line demarcates where there will be central heating from the government boilers. From December to March, heating will be available for those cities north of that line, for instance, Beijing, Harbin and others. So, if there is a weather anomaly, for instance, it gets hot in February, the people living north of the line will keep their windows open!
It is also noted that in recent years, people have purchased private heaters. In addition, new apartments and dwellings are built with heaters.
Recently, according to the Shanghainese, the seasons has been unusual. A few of them have told me that spring and autumn have vanished. After winter, it will be summer and then followed by winter again. The weather has been somewhat extreme in recent years.
This reminded me of what a taxi driver in Leeds once told me a decade ago. He recalled snow that was up to his knees in his childhood. In the three years I spent in Yorkshire, the snow did not reach up to me ankles. Apparently, the weather has been changing.
1. Dead Letter
2. Giftraum
3. Kindrom
4. Reign of Chaos
5. Charma Sleeper
6. Tales of the Silent City
7. Portrait of a Cynic
8. Unmensch
9. Witching Hour
10. Psycho-Logic
11. Krank: Haft
12. Cannibals
13. Mask of Shame
The current exchange rates:
1.00 SGD (Singapore Dollars) = 4.96078 CNY (China Yuan Renminbi)Kal Jerico is hilarious. He is dependent on his 'Plan W' which stands for 'Plan Wing it'! And he is very vain, and often, in the midst of combat, he would be concerned with his looks. He would often strike a pose, with his great coat and coat tails flapping in the airflow generated by the ventilation shafts! And his allies would berate him.
Hahahah. It's simply great fun.I also bought Daniel C. Dennett's 'Freedom Evolves' and Wade Davis' 'The Serpent and the Rainbow'.
*She was actually pretty and she does not have the typical round-faced, weak chin lian look.
**My designer and artist friends didn't have anything to say about 'Ice Age' either. It was just too run of the mill.
I heard this one some time back. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Since the Dead can Dance created coherent albums with a thematic sequence within a framework, this tribute fails on that level. Individual tracks taken out of context, existing in a vacuum. It's listenable but not particularly memorable.
1. Arcana - The Arcane*
2. Dark Sanctuary - Summoning of the muse
3. Autumn's Grey Solace - Musica Eternal*
4. Faith & the Muse - Chant Of The Paladin*
5. Black tape for a blue girl - Fortune presents gifts not according to the book
6. Rajna - Cantara
7. Mirabilis - The Writing On My Father's Hand*
8. Chandeen - In power we entrust the love advocated
9. Arcana - Enigma of the Absolute*
10. KOBE - Bird*
12. Athan Maroulis with Surface 10 - Ulysses
13. Stoa - Cantara*
* Exclusive track
Flying Colours: Fleet Actions in the Age of Sail
Designer: Mike Nagel
Developer: John Alsen
Twilight Struggle: The Cold War 1945-1989
Designers: Ananda Gupta and Jason Matthews
I have ordered and received many wargames from GMT Games previously and I would not hesitate to encourage other wargamers to assist the tiny wargaming industry by pre-ordering. The wargames industry is a small cottage industry and has recently seen a small revival. The keyword is 'small'.
I will put up a list of what games I have on pre-order later in the week.
It's been a while since I gamed. I will be playing again soon. I just need to summon the energy...
There appears to be a photo essay on the conflict in Nagorno-Karabagh in Spec Ops. Wow! Unbelievable. I look forward to the images.
Graffiti is present everywhere. Even on the walls of the grim, grey concrete blocks of the sixties and seventies. This is possibly a typical apartment block built when China was pretty much a centrally-controlled economy.
More typical apartment blocks. These are newer, probably built in the eighties and early nineties after Deng Xiaopeng opened China up.
A new apartment block. Notice that one in four apartments mounts a satellite TV dish? Some units have even mounted two! Satellite TV dishes are illegal for private citizens in China (and Singapore too). Yet, the Chinese ignore the authorities. You won't see this sort of behaviour in democratic Singapore eh? No sir! Heh.
Yet more condominiums. The city of Shanghai is literally littered with hundreds of these sparkling new condominium blocks (and I am not exaggerating. I am probably underestimating the numbers by quite a bit). And the local residents live in them. And no, foreign expatriates from Europe and the USA don't live in apartment blocks, they live in proper houses with gardens!
*HDB - Housing Development Board. This is an organisation within the government in Singapore that builds subsidised flats for the citizens. They have been so successful in the last thirty years that 80% of all Singaporeans live in them. They are not horrid pigeonholes as the Shanghainese above may have implied. Oh, do senior civil servants live in HDB flats?
**My observation. I was there during a cold spell when temperatures dropped from 17 degrees Celsius to 1 degree. Ack.