04 March 2006

Observations of the Centre of the World

Shanghai is the place to be in the Twenty First Century. Shanghai is it. It is the centre of the world in a loose sense.

What follows will be a series of little missives on my visit to Shanghai. They are my observations on the little things, the taxis, the shops, the people, the food, etc. Little things really. The experience is immersive in all senses. Visual, aural and so forth.

As it is, it is my first visit to China. As an ethnic Chinese, do I feel something for my ancestral lands? I guess I don't. I'm sentimental over certain things but ethnic and national pride aren't things that I get emotional about. I'm hardly your typical patriotic chest-thumbing nationalist.* People may cry over their national flags, their 'native soils' and their culture. Well... that's them.

*Besides, I'm not a citizen of the People's Republic of China (PRC), I'm Singaporean.

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