27 July 2006

Here I am, outside the British Museum with His Highness, the Emperor of the Cosmos.

Addendum: The Emperor has shown me the error of my ways, he has decreed that this be UCL, not the British Musuem. Actually, it is UCL. I recall it now. It's quite an amazing place really.


Will said...

its not the British Museum! Its UCL my Uni!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Yikes! You're right! It's the university with that cabinet with the mummified body!

I gotta post that!

Merv Kwok said...

museum looks terribly whitewashed. if that other guy is emperor of the cosmos, you must be zeus since you're taller haha

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Merv, that's blasphemy! You can't slander the Emperor of the Cosmos, he'll smite you!

Yeah, it's whitewashed because the picture was not a good one. We were covered in shadows due to the direction of the sunshine. I had to do a little adjustment to get my face from the shadows. The Emperor himself was glowing, so, there was no need for a touchup there.

Anonymous said...

You should be shot on the steps! AK.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

AK, you should be the mummified thing they exhibit to students annually!