I can't find the URL to my friend's write-up on this set of toys. It's a pity as Kelvin examines the set in great detail. He has written quite a few reviews of toys previously. As one can tell, he has an interest in powered armour.
Who hasn't read Robert Heinlein's classic 'Starship Troopers' and Joe Haldeman's 'The Forever War'?
hey CSS, happy new year, late though :)
I was wondering if you know if there is any toy of R2D2 from star wars? :)
You should post some pictures of Emperor Loh's donuts in drag or powered armour! AK.
Hi Miss Drama Queen, Happy New Year!
I'm sure that I have seen R2D2 toys previously. Kenner Toys used to manufacture those in the late 70s. Today, I think they have been re-issued. However, I know very little about toys.
AK, I hear that you wear a powered diaper. Is that true?
so there's no more R2D2? man!!!
I seen some R2D2 at Bishan, some toy shop, but its so ugly, you know the head bobbing version.. erghh...
Hey Drama Queen, I'm pretty sure there is. Sadly, I don't know much about toys.
That's funny !! :) A belated Happy New Year to you !
Happy New Year Andrew!
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