01 November 2005

Current Books

I am always reading several books at the same time. I read a chapter on 'The Guns of Singapore' from Karl Hack and Kevin Blackburn's 'Did Singapore have to fall?' The chapter discussed the myths of the fortresses guns from several perspectives including the ability of the gun to fire landward, the suitability of the ammunition (APC or HE) and the distribution of various guns.

I finished John Hussey's narrative of 'Marlborough'. The 1711 campaign and the breaching of the Ne Plus Ultra lines is noteworthy.

For 'On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom', interesting points includes the planning, execution and subsequent lessons from the gunships' deep strike. I have yet to read the entire volume and will do so within the next few years.

As for fiction, I am still reading Mary Gentle's 'Ash'.

"My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all"
Iraqi Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf (Baghdad Bob)

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