15 June 2006

Bashir says John Howard should become a Muslim!

AK referred this 'hilarious' (in AK's words) article which appeared on an Australian news site.


"Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir says Prime Minister John Howard should become a Muslim if he wants to avoid going to hell."

More exerpts:

" "I think John Howard should convert to Islam," he said.
"If he wants to be saved from hell, he needs to convert to Islam and God willing, he will be forgiven by Allah." "

And a threat:

" Secondly, he warned Australians to never try fighting Muslims because they will definitely lose. "Maybe with God's permission, they can kill us, but they certainly can't beat Islam," he said. "

And lastly a warning to Australian journalists:

"He then warned Australian journalists not to twist his statement."


Chuang Shyue Chou said...


What was he charged with again? If he were charged with bombing, he got a slap on the wrist, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

Why not Bashir just terminate himself and isn't that easier to reach his paradise to sit beside his god?

Or is he preaching on behalf of the lords of the underworld i.e. the fallen angels?
