I finally managed to build up some semblance of a defence. 151 Praetorians. I had not expect to be attacked daily initially. With the army, it bought some breathing space and I was able to develop a few of the resource-generating sites to level 10.
At level ten, these sites enabled the building of a bakery,a brickyard, a sawmill and an iron foundry which further enhanced production rates. The village is getting developed and picturesque. I had had to demolish some crannies to make way for these new buildings.
Seems to be going well. How long have you been playing Travian? :)
30th January 2007.
Travian. To be honest, the pace is way too slow and I am not focused.
I have been playing a lot more Tribal Wars than Travian. However, I prefer the graphics in Travian over the dismal images in Tribal Wars.
I have thoughts of dropping Travian.
Maybe I'll be able to offer you an alternative to Travian in 2-3 months:). I'm working with couple of friends on a game, very similar to Travian and Tribal Wars, but much improved in every area of the game. Faster pace, bigger resource production, making soldiers from 4 buildings in each village, troops changing every 3 months when the game switches to a new age, outposts that extend the range of the offensive armies .. etc. The extras are way too many to mention.
Have a nice day :)
Well, do let me know. I certainly hope that you have a historical-based one. I'm not too enthused with fantasy-based ones.
Well, the four civilizations in-game are Papal State, Hanseatic League, Mongols and Valachia. Since most units of each civilization change every 3 months when entering a new era, there are a total of 112 military units in the game, all from the history of Europe. Its set in the Medieval Ages, somewhere between the 1400's and 1800's.
This is certainly interesting!
I guess you will have Mongol archers, Teutonic Knights and so forth?
Teutonic Knights no :). But there will be others like Chivalric Knights, Gothic Seargents, Swiss pikemen, Heralds .. etc :)
Hi - stumbled upon this doing a Travian-related search.. This takes me back some time. Travian starts off deceptively simple and slow-paced.. But before too long you are starting a new village every week and it gets to be more to do. It's looking like you probably want to be expanding to a 2nd village now, with resources from your first you can more quickly build a second. Good luck if you continue to play!
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