There's my cat, Meow, looking guilty. He's usually like that after he has done something bad, like scratching me. Bad Meow scratched me last night when he happily jumped at me and then swiped at me with his claws!
"A white house, a white room
The program of today
Lights on, switch on
Your eyes are far away
The map represents you
And the tape is your voice
Follow all along you
Till you recognize the choice"
'Photographic' Depeche Mode
Poor CSC. Cute moggie!
The other white meat!
He's a beauty. Im love tabby cats. They look so..catlike in the big cat way. And yea, he looks like he's been naughty!
Hey Anne, he didn't wait for me this morning. Usually, he would be faithfully waiting in the morning and in the evening. (Meal times you see...)
Yep Wilson, he's been naughty.
Carla, do you have a cat as well? This one appeared in my kitchen one evening when he was a kitten. He was meowing and he wanted to eat. So, I fed it. The next thing you know, he became a resident here!
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