07 September 2006


Quick sketch with a faulty gel pen. It was difficult, the ink simply won't flow.

Sketch 1 - 4cm x 5cm in size

Sketch 2 - 4cm x 10cm in size


steve said...

He's back!! Strangely enough the poor working pen has a nice effect here!

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Thanks Steve, one cannot blame one's tools. Even the cheapest Chinese-made pens and pencils can be used. Whatever the circumstance, something can be made out of it.

The lines had to be re-done or gone over a couple of times as the ink didn't flow. It was annoying to say the least. The intricarcies and spontaniety are lost when this happens. Oh well.

I didn't want to name the brand of the gel pen as I know the Chinese manufacturer.