19 May 2006


I put up this unfinished piece to give everyone an idea of how I would construct a piece. Sometimes, I start with an idea, sometimes, I don't. When I don't, the idea will be developed as I put ink on paper. For instance, this piece is started without an image in mind.

Like all decent compositions, there should be a central focus, a foreground and a background though there need not be. There can be an indirect means of focus. For a panoramic scene, the entire span can be the focus.

This piece has the path as a central focus. Then, I work backwards by drawing a tree in the background to give an illusion of depth. On the right side, I added steps and a path. This creates a foreground.

The path in the foreground then leads to a small waterfall and a pond. I place objects as I go along.

To begin, one can start by focusing on a single object. The path. This is followed by two trees that frames the path by being there.

It helps if one has a spatial sense. In other words, one places objects three-dimensionally in one's mind. So, I place one object after another, further creating depth.

Details can be added as needed.


V said...

Interesting the process of your creation. I always think they are fantastic works of art.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

V, I'm always willing to share regarding my process of creation.

Thanks for your words. I appreciate that you find them to be so.