20 February 2007

Central II

Huge anonymous glass structure. Standard fare really. I have been there once. I will drop by again once it has been completed. I am curious if the developers could manage to differentiate this from the hordes of other riverside developments.

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Anonymous said...

Most buildings designs are not that inspirational to be frank. Boring as fcuk as far as I am concerned. They should build some eco-friendly self sustained building if they can to differentiate from the others such buildings. Not just a square block with glasses but again who blame the designers if they have no taste. I mean designer by "Ah Lian or Ah Khow".


Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Yes, you are right.

I would like to see government buildings being made eco-friendly as a start. I would like to see all government buildings adopt solar-power.

Well, I guess many architects are simply the run of the mill types? Not particularly inspirational but simply meeting commercial needs?