07 February 2007

State of Progress: Tribal Wars, World 5

After refusing to join me on World 3, AK (Silver / Silverune) instead started in World 5. So, I joined him and his tribe. When we first joined the tribe, we were both ranked about 50th in a field of about 80 members. Chester the Nose (Kasi) was a long way ahead of us. Suddenly, AK (Silver / Silverune) started to raid. The two abandoned villages beside his village served as fodder and he grew really fast. Before long, he was number 3. I managed to keep pace with him despite getting my whole army of a paladin and twenty-one spearmen wiped out.

The state of my finances. I even named my village, Silver 5, after AK! In his honour! My paladin is named Silverado II after the first one perished in an attack.

From what I see, AK (Silverune) will soon overtake the top ranking player in the tribe very soon. He's zooming like a rocket up the ranks.

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