Okay, that was a massively long and silly title but, WOO HOO, the End of the Week draws near. It is time for contemplation, well, not really. Time to come alive! Time to daydream. Time to let my mind drift, and perhaps, hitch a ride on the cosmic tramp starliner to Arcturus. A voyage to Arcturus. Bah!
Anyhow, I think I do a few more ambitious sketches tonight rather than thumbnail size little things.
Tomorrow, if I can douse myself from the vestiges of dreamland, I shall make my way to Chinatown with a camera and attempt to capture the windy corridors of yesteryear. Indeed I shall.

Here are two images familiar to people. Three minute thumbnail sketches. One is a sullen beng while the other is a dissatisfied software engineer. No prizes for guessing which is the beng or software engineer.
is the picture of the beng Brian?
I realise that the Dissatisfied Engineer does bear a passing resemblence to Brian but I think it is coincidental. I don't know. When I was completing this quick one, I was reminded of Tony rather. He seems so different from the young Tony we knew when the Lothlorien BBS was still in existence a decade or so ago.
What, the Dissatisfied Engineer isn't the one at the top?
Woot! Speaking of the devil! Of course, he should be up there!.Maybe, I shall do a set of drawings in celebration of dissatisfied software engineers everywhere! Feel the pain!
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