My friend has given his consent and here are two of his drawings. I have respected his wish to remain anonymous.
I have always admired his work and have said so. The splendid line work, the utilisation of different methods to create textures and the disciplined use of a limited and matching set of palette lend to give these drawings a mood of mystery. The drawings of his are slightly reminiscent of Moebius' work but he has a strong individual style.
Earlier, in another blog entry, I wrote of a Moebius volume, 'Forty Days in the Desert'. The volume had escaped my notice until he told me of it.

I have decided to post the entry due today to the next day.
hey.nice drawing!!!
I will let my friend know that. I am sure he will be delighted. He's really good. Maybe, I can persuade him to allow me to put more of his work up here. Thanks.
i think the use of a monochromatic palette works really nice here -lends to the atmosphere of desolation.
your drawing of the woods reminds me of the illustrative style for enid blython books. but lighter pen strokes.
great stuff! :)
Just curious, did he use pastels?
Thanks. Do you do sketches too? Any particular specialisation?
I ask him if he used pastels and will let you know.
cool, thanks :)
Specialisation - medium or subject?
Subject : usually characters and stuff. hardly do landscape because i have this perspective problem i'm still working on. T_T plus i havent mastered the art of blending characters and backgrounds.
Medium : ink, or com graphics. sometimes arcrylic and canvas too.
I do post some stuff up once in a while, so if you're interested check my blog out. ^_^ heh~ shameless self-promotion.
These are pencil and pen drawings i did a while ago. I suppose that would help describe my style
Hey, I like your ink sketch of a woman in a blindfold. How long ago was that? Perhaps you would like to explore another that avenue? I think there is a lot of potential. Have you done any recent ones?
Characters. Ahh.. So, can I say that your influences are Tim Burton, Sandman (Gaiman), Studio Ghibli and a few others then? (Saw your profile) I seem to detect an influence in the choice of subject there. I enjoy the art direction in Burton's films and I have seen those little books he authored.
Are you familar with Terry Gilliam?
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