31 December 2005

The Brokedown Gate

It has been a while since I worked in this style. So, this is the first in five years. I realised that my style has slightly evolved somehow. This is probably the last one for 2005.


LARRY said...

hi Chuang,
on my blog you can try the answer about the location of the lighthouse ...
see you.....

Tim said...

Just wondering why you use yellow in all of your artwork. Not critical, I like your work, just wondering.

Hemsem said...

I was about to ask the same question but to a different colour. Brown. My eyes see brown.

Enlighten me CSC, on the different styles you mentioned and forgive me if my ignorance offended you in any way... hehehe..

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Ari, I can't find the right word at present for some of the words. I would want to explain. They are just several means I use to render my images. One of the means I used is the conventional way of shading with various layers and then layering another over. Fairly elaborate and time-consuming. Conventional though. Another means was to use lines, points and irregular lines to define light and form in a more sparse means. Lastly, I use points and dots in others. That is the hardest and most elaborate to styles I have used previously.

Tim, I don't always use yellow. I was experimenting with sepia and yellow hues at that point in time. Hence, the consistency.

Thanks Larry. Bari no less! I must say that I have visited Rome but not Bari. Do you live there?