20 December 2005

The Strange House

A piece swiftly drawn with technical pigment pens and Copic markers.


Bob said...

This is really nice, has a great ambience about it. Slightly spooky...

Mike Norton said...

I know what Bob means. There's a ramshackle, worn look about it. I can't tell if anyone still lives there or not.

Also, the tilt of the view, and the wavy, almost tempestuous layout of the terrain combine with the sail-like, rectangular banners on the T-supports and the flag banners from the twin poles combine to give it the aspect of a ghost ship riding on a stormy sea, the trees like frothy waves breaking against the hull and spewing peaks of foam high ito the air.

Good work.

Hemsem said...

copic markers...

reminds me of interior designing and architecture stuff...

steve said...

Yeah, I really like the style of these drawings. I'm glad you're posting Chuang Shyue Chou! I think drawing has to be my favorite form of art to do and look at, and these are very unique.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Thanks Bob. I have wanted to capture an enigmatic feel but sometimes, it is harder than I would have thought.

Mjn, yes, you are right, there is indeed a ramshackle feel there. I wanted to create a stranger piece with more banners and sails. I wanted to evoke a certain look that is not exactly based on any movement.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Ari, you use those Copic markers? You do architecture and interior design?

Thaks Steve. I don't know about unique. I have seen so much good work out there and many are just as individual or more so.