16 April 2006

My Kitten

A rare moment where the kitten is not running around, playing with something or climbing. A moment of introspection? Naaaah...


finah said...

wow! she got fat real quick!

im melting from the cuteness that is oozing from her...

(im assuming she's a girl, because of the small nose...)

Tim said...

Looks like my cat when she was a kitten! She's 18 now and still a pistol! She is the real boss of the house. The rest of us exist merely to service her every whim! If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to be a pampered house cat.

Dog: These people feed me, give me a roof over my head, take care of me, they must be gods...

Cat: These people feed me, give me a roof over my head, take care of me, I must a god...

Machinistscott said...

LOL at tim, My brother will love that. He's the cat person. I prefer my Wookie.

"a bowl for the cat, a bowl for the dog and a bowl for me."
Widespread Panic.

V said...

he/she's too cute!

BlackRX said...

shyuech, given you are now Kitty's parent, have you considered "teaching" him/her how to hunt? One of the reasons for letting kittens stay with their mother for at least six weeks is to let them learn various survival skills from her. Or are you deciding to let that instinct lie as dormant as possible?

Alicia said...

the mini cat looks cute xD

Merv Kwok said...

cutes maximus!

Tim said...

"a bowl for the cat, a bowl for the dog and a bowl for me."
I'm down with that!
Have a big dog too, and the cat is also HIS boss.
Cat is also known as "She, who must be obeyed".

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Finah, I think it's a she too. I shall have to 'check'... hahahah. She was weak and hungry on the first night. After we fed her the kitty milk from the kitty bottle, she was simply active and playful! She's just so alive.

Tim, yes, 'She, who must be obeyed' is also the wife... Friendly fire that cannot be stopped!

Hahaha Merv!

I have lots lots more photos, Alicia. They are always so adorable when they are tiny. I must take more photos! Heheh.

Blackrx, it's instinctive. Nurture? Well, I think not. She has started climbing. She has also started pouncing on ping pong balls and so forth. It's amazing.

V, do you keep pets?

Scott, what kind of dog is your Wookie?

Machinistscott said...

I will post her pic on my blob today.

She is a mix. She is part Shepard, Chow(she has a black tounge), and maybe some Rottweiler.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Thanks thanks! I saw. A vigilant dog! Is she ferocious?

And you had a cat too.