21 August 2006

Playing Games

This is a game store, Playing Games, located at Museum Street, just off the British Museum at Great Russell Street. It carries a wide range of wargames, German games, card games and role-playing games. It has, no means, the greatest range of games, but it has a good range, certainly a lot greater than any two-bit game store in Singapore. The game stores at Singapore are really sorry affairs, I guess we simply don't have enough gamers to sustain variety. How many more sad, overweight D&D players do we need?

For wargames, one can find offerings from GMT, OSG, DG, AP, MMP and more.

Anyway, if you were to have to plans to visit London to purchase games, well, the games are certainly pricey. You would be advised to think twice.

London, July 2006 Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Fat, overweight AD&D players? Did they eat too many donuts? Is Emperor Loh an AD&D player? Is that what happened?

Anonymous said...

If one endeavours to find a better example of being completely pathetic, one should reach for the mirror first and not make cheap pot shots at others.

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Mock not His Highness! He can smite you for that!