14 August 2006

Titan Quest character builds

Here I was, happy with my 220 dps*. I took a look at various forums discussing character builds. There are people with 15,000 to 34,000 dps! WOW! Oh dear.

I made level 30. I have left Thebes, journeyed through the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Silk Route, the Great Wall of China. My character is at Chang-An, battling the terra-cotta warriors. He will have to seek out the Emperor.

*dps - damage per second


Yes, I know, these characters I read about are level 45-50. They are either at Epic or Legendary settings, having already finished the game once or twice. And they have farmed.**

**farmed - Game jargon used by many games to indicate time spent killing the same monsters (usually bosses) again and again until the monster drops a specific item they want.

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