25 August 2006

World of Warcraft: The Dell of MMORPGs

I was thinking of analogies this morning and it occurred to me that:

World of Warcraft is the Dell of MMORPGs. It is the Everyman RPG, it is the 800-pound gorilla on the block, it is tough and more or less dependable (though there is the occasional hiccups, like Dell machines).

Like Dell, the current biggest PC manufacturer in the world, World of Warcraft is the gold-standard for MMORPGs and will be for quite some time to come. Ten years? Easily. When other MMORPGs have faded or fallen by the wayside, World of Warcraft will still be here like Ultima Online. It is not surprising, after all, Starcraft and Warcraft II are perpetual sellers.

I played and enjoyed the game for a four to five month period more than two years ago, raising an undead warlock to level 60. I had some of the tier one epic items and an epic mount then. However, raiding with forty other level 60 folks in a two to six hour time frame just isn't my cup of tea. It was way too tedious. Thus, I terminated my association with this delightful game.

Besides, it was time to move on to other games. Variety, variety variety.

I have also decided against making a return when the expansion is released.

Image source: Official Website.


Anonymous said...

Dear fellow readers, I'm glad SC has finally come to his senses and seen the light of day. He's no longer a WOW loser.

As a side note, might I recommend you try this excellent text-based game, that's still going strong after 14 years - that's right Dune MUD.

Check it out:


AK .aka. Silver

Anonymous said...

And Life goes on... Back to my MMO folks (thankfully not WoW).